Accreditation for gamescom 2013 is online
Cologne - Allemagne, du 21 au 25 août 2013
Journalistic coverage of the gamescom 2013 event and its exhibitor companies and organisations is welcome and may be carried out by any media representative, media fan, visitor and private operator of websites and blogs etc. Photos and film/video recordings are also not a problem following consultation with exhibitors, as are also on-site meetings and free movement around the site. WLAN and Internet access via HotSpot cards can also be easily facilitated. All of our press releases and other content are also available online.
Please notice the following hints for accreditation of gamescom 2013, because of the high requests of private visitors.
Access to the Press Centres North and East is reserved primarily for commercial and full-time media professionals and also for various online portals having full-time editorial staff. Individual privately operated websites unfortunately are not included in this category, but as has already been stated, reporting for these media is not a problem. These media may also request meetings with publishers and exhibitors to take place at the fair. However, due to the quantity of private requests, we are unable to make the Press Centres available to all.
From now on, you can apply online for accreditation at www.gamescom-cologne.com. Please also notice our FAQs and accreditation guidelines.
Due to the high demand of accreditation applications, we are not able to respond individually to accreditation requests sent by email.

Accreditation-guidelines Koelnmesse GmbH
According to the accreditation-guidelines of Koelnmesse, the following persons may receive press accreditation:
- Holders of a valid press pass from a non-industry affiliated press association, either from Germany or abroad.
- Holders of a valid press pass from a specialist journalists' association covering topics of the trade fair in question, either from Germany or abroad.
- Persons from Germany or abroad who can demonstrate their journalistic (or photojournalistic) activities as follows:
- by presenting the original copy of articles bearing the author's name and which were published no earlier than six months prior to the event in question,
- by presenting the original copy of a masthead/publishing details naming that person as an editor, or as a member or contributor on the permanent editorial staff, from no earlier than six months prior to the event in question,
- by presenting a written, original copy of an editorial job assignment for the trade fair in question,
- by providing a web link to an online publication, of which that person is the originator, which is established within the respective trade fair community. In such cases pre-accreditation is necessary due to an extended verification process.
- by submitting proof, not more than six months old, that a person works for student publications, or by submitting a valid press pass from a youth press organisation.
Furthermore, the Koelnmesse GmbH reserves the right to conduct further investigations to establish proof of journalistic activities, even if a press pass has been submitted. Legitimation should be submitted in German or English. In individual cases the Koelnmesse GmbH reserves the right to additionally request submission of a valid ID containing photographic identification. There is no entitlement to accreditation. If necessary the Koelnmesse GmbH reserves the right to restrict accreditation or to revoke it entirely and ban persons from the premises.
Koelnmesse GmbH reserves the right to demand documentary evidence of any reporting. In the event of abuse, accreditation may be withdrawn.
We reserve the right to apply minor additions and exceptions to these accreditation guidelines for certain fairs and events.
We advise you that data received for the purpose of processing your accreditation may be also used for the clarification of queries.

Important information about gamescom 2013
- The opportunity will be provided once again this year to offer competent reporting; accreditation will not be absolutely necessary. We are pleased to announce that Wi-Fi hotspots will be available throughout the gamescom exhibition. Access cards can be bought at the event (on the boulevard between Halls 10 and 11 or in the copy shops).
- Photography and filming (video recordings) are generally permitted if exhibitors agree to it.
- The working facilities available will be broadened this year to include the Press Centre East in addition to the Press Centre North and the working room (second floor, room A) in the Congress Centre North.
- It is not possible to provide accreditation to persons under the age of 16 without youth media credentials.
- Persons without media credentials will be asked to present a valid personal photographic identity document to prove their age.
- Owners of privately launched gaming websites, blogs or podcast sites will not be granted accreditation.
- Persons representing online media will be accredited if a sample of their previous reporting on gamescom is available (with clear indications of the author, date and contribution) and if the medium has existed for at least one year.
- Access figures and the size of the medium play a role in the accreditation process and the number of persons admitted.
- Each person representing a medium must have themselves accredited individually using the online form. Collective enquiries will not be processed.
You will find the most frequently asked press-specific questions concerning gamescom 2013 and the appropriate answers here:
1. What are the opening times of the press-center?
21.08 : Wednesday > 08:30 - 19:00 h
22. - 24.08 : Thursday until Friday > 08:30 - 20:00 h
25.08 : Sunday > 08:30 - 18:00 h
2. I am in possession of a youth press ID card. For which specific period can I get accredited?
Youth press ID card holder can get accredited for the entire term of gamescom.
3. I have been accredited successfully for a previous gamescom, do I have to apply again this year?
A successful accreditation for a previous event is no guarantee for this year's accreditation. A new application is needed for every event. Please see our accreditation guidelines for detailed information.
4. I run a podcast or private homepage can I get accredited for your event.
No. There are no accreditations granted for private blogs, homepages or podcasts.
5. Can I accredit myself on arrival?
Basically it is possible, except for representatives of online media who do not belong to a full editorial team. Accreditation for online media will not be granted at the Help Desk, either. Press ID or one of the evidences specified in the accreditation guidelines is required.
6. Where can I accredit myself on arrival?
- Press Centre North in the Congress Centre North
- Entrances South, East and North (with Press ID)
7. How many press tickets are available for one editorial office?
The size and the relevance of your medium is an important measurement for the amount of granted accreditations.
8. Can I accredit my colleagues?
No. Each individual of your medium has to apply for himself. There is no possibility to collect applications and send them bundled. Such collected request will not be processed.
9. Is there a limit of age for press tickets?
Yes, press cards will be issued from the age of 16. Only with a valid youth press ID card younger persons will be accredited.
10. Why was I refused accreditation although I have applied online?
The accreditation guidelines have not been completely fulfilled. Proof of journalistic status is missing or inadequate.
11. Why have I not received a confirmation by email to my successful online accreditation application?
It seems like we didn't receive your mail. Please try again!
12. Where can I apply for accreditation to further events, as GDC Europe?
13. When will I receive my press card?
The press cards will be sent by mail in the run-up of the event. Further requests are not necessary.
14. Being a representative of the press, do I also need a wristband separating the age groups?
Yes, you do.
15. What am I entitled to and what can I do with my press card?
- the press card serves as entrance ticket to the fair, you will not have to buy a supplementary ticket to access the Press Centre and the working room (second floor, room A) in the Congress Centre North, access to the press conferences in the Congress Centre North
- no access to the gamescom party, separate tickets are handed out by the exhibitors only
16. Does my gamescom press card also serve as entrance ticket to the business area?
Access to the business area is granted to those who:
- can present a gamescom press card
- have a trade visitor admission ticket
Hint: Access authorisation to the stands in the business area is up to the exhibitors and not generally granted to the holders of a gamescom press card.
17. Where can I find workstations for journalists?
- Computer workstations including computers and printers are installed in the Press Centre North; furthermore free W-LAN access is provided.
- In the Press-Centre East free W-LAN access is provided.
- Further W-LAN workstations can be found in Conference Room A, Congress Centre North
18. Will online journalist be able to access free W-LAN on the fair grounds?
Please see question 19: In the Press Centre North as well as in the Press-Centre East and in the press work room A, Congress Centre North, free W-LAN access is provided.
For wireless internet acces at the whole exhibition space at gamescom WLAN-cards can be purchased at Boulevard 10/11 and at the copy shops.
19. Are there parking spaces for press?
Yes, beneath the Zoobrücke (near Hall 8) and on the east side of Hall 11 (near gate E)
20. What are the dates for the press?
Dates for the press will be accessible on the homepage short time before the event under the link "Press dates".