Essential Facts 2014 about the Computer and Video Game Industry
" Our industry has a remarkable upward trajectory. Computer and video games are a form of entertainment enjoyed by a diverse, worldwide consumer base that demonstrates immense energy and enthusiasm for games. With an exciting new generation of hardware, outstanding software, and unmatched creativity, technology, and content, our industry will continue to thrive in the years ahead."
Michael D. Gallagher, president and CEO, Entertainment Software Association
What's inside
Who is playing
- Who plays computer and Video games?
- Who buys computer and Video games?
At play
- What type of online and mobile games are played most often?
- How many gamers play on a phone or wireless device?
- How many gamers play games with others?
- Parents and games
- Parents control what their kids play
- Top reasons parents play with their kids
The bottom line
- What were the top-selling game genres in 2013?
- What were the top-selling games of 2013?
- Sales information: 2003-2013
- Total consumer spend on video game industry in 2013
Who we are
- About ESA
- ESA members
Other resources
- ESA partners

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