Ocellus Studio
15 Quai de Pierre-Scize
69009 Lyon


Cyril CORALLO Directeur Général

Informations administratives

Année de création : 2018
Statut : SASU
Effectifs : Information indisponible
Chiffre d'affaire : Information indisponible
RCS ou SIREN : Lyon B 843 126 988
Code APE : 6201Z - Programmation informatique

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Ocellus Studio

Ocellus Studio is composed with Ocellus Services & Ocellus Games

Ocellus Services

Ocellus Services is a leader in stylised Game Art and Game Development services. We work for top industry developers and publishers, like Supercell, Square Enix or Epic games, but also on our own IPs and games with Ocellus Games. We can be deployed on the full art pipeline from pre production to production, on all type of projects size, genre and platforms.

Ocellus Games

Ocellus Games is the new game development studio from Ocellus Group. We are on the lookout for seniors developers who wants to build the next generation of games in a human sized, very independent team setup. Ocellus Games teams will decide what games to make, how to make it and when to launch it or kill it. Whatever it is on Mobile, PC or consoles. Our awards-winning Art Services, Ocellus Services, allows our game development teams to stay small, fully independent and focus on making great games. Our game development teams will have access to the same artistic production quality as the one we provide to our partners Supercell, Epic or Square Enix to name a few.

Ocellus Studio recrutement

Aucune offre d'emploi ou de stage actuellement disponible

Actualités et archives de Ocellus Studio

Ocellus lance son propre studio de jeux vidéo : Ocellus Games

Ocellus lance son propre studio de jeux vidéo : Ocellus Games

7 juin 2022 - Talking Tom, Astérix & Obélix, Clash of Clan, Clash Royale ou récemment Fortnite… Ces jeux représentent pour chacun plusieurs dizaines, voire centaines de millions de téléchargements et de vues sur les plateformes de streaming. Et derrière ces succès internationaux, se cache la patte graphique d'Ocellus ...
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