116b, rue Henon
69004 Lyon

Tél. : 04 78 27 06 02


Thomas Young Gérant
Business enquiries

Informations administratives

Année de création : 2005
Statut : SARL
Effectifs : Information indisponible
Chiffre d'affaire : 219,100 € en 2012
RCS ou SIREN : Lyon B 487 434 771
Code APE : 6201Z - Programmation informatique

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PathEngine provides the PathEngine SDK, a sophisticated toolkit for agent movement built around an advanced implementation of 'points-of-visibility' pathfinding.

The approach taken gives us pathfinding and collision in tight integration against a single, sophisticated, continuous space agent movement model, with support for seamless movement over overlapping geometry, exact representation of agent shape, and with dynamic obstacles integrated directly into the movement model.

A strong geometric paradigm and relatively low-level focus make for a clear and well-defined API. Our aim is to provide powerful, modular building blocks to serve as a robust basis for higher level AI and movement based behaviours that are designed to address the unique requirements of each title.

In addition to pathfinding and collision the SDK also provides powerful content-side automation, ground management functionality, and mechanisms for controlling how dynamic obstacles apply to individual pathfinding and collision queries.

The SDK is being applied to a wide variety of titles, from big name MMORPGs through single-player RPGs, FPS titles, and world-building simulation.
Our clients include IronLore Entertainment (for 'Titan Quest'), IMC Games (for 'Granado Espada'), Dimps Corporation (for 'Gundam FPS'), Webzen (for 'Soul of the Ultimate Nation'), Nexon, Ncsoft, and many more. (Refer to for a more complete list of clients.)

For more information about the SDK, including public downloads, or to request an evaluation, please visit

PathEngine recrutement

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Actualités et archives de PathEngine

PathEngine Announces SDK Release 5.31, New Licensing

20 nov. 2012 - PathEngine announces the availability of release 5.31.00 of their pathfinding SDK, including features for unobstructed space optimisation (by boundary simplification) and incremental boundary update.
PathEngine Announces SDK Release 5.30, New Licensing

PathEngine Announces SDK Release 5.30, New Licensing

7 juin 2012 - The new release adds some important new functionality, including pathfinding space optimisations to split boundaries out of the core pathfinding space and significantly reduce the complexity of ...
PathEngine Announces SDK Release 5.29, New Licensing

PathEngine Announces SDK Release 5.29, New Licensing

13 janv. 2012 - PathEngine announces the availability of release 5.29.00 of their pathfinding SDK, with significant performance improvements, and licensing to IMC Games (for an additional unannounced title), ...

Plates-formes supportées

PathEngine has been licensed on the PC, Xbox 360, PS3, and also Linux and FreeBSD platforms.
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