OUYA arrive sur la Micro-Console M.O.J.O. de Mad Catz
C'est à Noël 2013 que Mad Catz a lancé sa Micro-Console M.O.J.O. pour Android entièrement dédiée au jeu et au divertissement multimédia, symbole de sa vision d'une plateforme ouverte sans compromis sur la qualité et la puissance grâce à la technologie Tegra 4 de Nvidia. Aujourd'hui, Mad Catz et OUYA sont fières d'annoncer un accord de contenu visant à porter OUYA sur la Micro-Console M.O.J.O. pour Android, constituant une première étape dans l'initiative OUYA Everywhere.
A cette occasion, le prix public conseillé de la M.O.J.O. passe à 199.99€
Ci-dessous le communiqué de presse officiel relatif à cette annonce.
New Agreement Signifies First Step in the OUYA Everywhere Initiative
M.O.J.O. Price Cut to $199.99 MSRP
SAN DIEGO, CALIF. & SANTA MONICA, CALIF. - March 6, 2014 - Mad Catz Interactive, Inc. ("Mad Catz") (NYSE MKT/ TSX: MCZ) and OUYA announced today a content agreement to bring OUYA to the Mad Catz M.O.J.O. Micro-Console for Android. In addition, the price of M.O.J.O. will be reduced to an MSRP of $199.99 in the United States with similar price adjustments taking place in all major territories.
Announced earlier this week, the OUYA Everywhere initiative aims to bring OUYA to a wide variety of devices, with the M.O.J.O. Micro-Console being the first. OUYA on M.O.J.O. is expected to debut later this spring with all existing and upcoming OUYA content available on the Mad Catz Micro-Console.
"Up until now, the game console experience has been locked inside a box," said Julie Uhrman, CEO and founder of OUYA. "Together with the hardware veterans at Mad Catz, we end that. Today's announcement signifies the inception of a truly open platform where independent developers can bring their creations to the platforms where gamers actually play: everywhere."
"With more than 680 games and 33,000 developers signed up, OUYA features an impressive catalogue of content from AAA developers and independent publishers, all of which are designed to replicate the core gaming experience, taking advantage of the TV and controller," said Darren Richardson, the President and Chief Executive Officer of Mad Catz Interactive, Inc. "This agreement with OUYA encapsulates our vision of an open software platform powered by M.O.J.O.'s high-performance hardware, and supported by the entire ecosystem of GameSmart gaming accessories. We believe today's announcements will widen the appeal of M.O.J.O. introducing it to a greater number of passionate gamers."
For additional information and to order, please visit: www.madcatz.com/mojo/
For more information on OUYA, please visit: www.ouya.tv