Gamescom Asia : La gamescom s'exporte à Singapour du 15 au 18 octobre 2020
C'est une Première, Gamescom Asia sera le premier satellite à l'étranger du plus grand festival de gaming du monde, gamescom Cologne.
Cet événement se tiendra au centre Suntec à Singapour, sous deux formes :
- la conférence, les 15 et 16 octobre 2020
- et l'exposition, ouverte aux professionnels comme au grand public, du 16 au 18 octobre 2020. Véritable vitrine des technologies émergentes dans le domaine du jeu vidéo, elle proposera également des événements eSports, des workshops de gaming, des sessions "meet-and-greet", des mises en scène Cosplay et bien plus encore.
Gamescom Asia se positionne comme plate-forme experte du jeu vidéo en Asie, se donnant pour objectif d'aider les développeurs de jeux du Sud-Est asiatique à trouver de nouveaux partenaires commerciaux internationaux, de permettre aux éditeurs internationaux de découvrir des jeux prometteurs.
Dans son étude récente, l'agence Newsoo prédit un chiffre d'affaires de 4,6 milliards d'USD pour 2019 pour l'Asie et le Sud-Est asiatique, soit un bond de 22 % par rapport à l'année précédente. Le secteur du jeu vidéo en plein boom, une communauté Gaming des plus dynamiques, un terrain plus que propice... les bonnes raisons ne manquent pas pour le lancement de Gamescom Asia à Singapour.
Plus d'informations dans le communiqué international ci-dessous et sur le site www.gamescom.asia
gamescom to launch Asian edition in Singapore in 2020
gamescom, the world's largest event for computer and video games, will make its Asian debut in Singapore from 15 to18 October 2020. Dubbed gamescom asia, the new event is an expansion into one of the fastest growing gaming markets in the world.
gamescom asia aims to serve as the premier platform for Asian game developers to explore partnerships globally, and act as a hub for international publishers who are looking for the next big thing in games. New releases and gaming related offerings will also be showcased. With the business area, the entertainment area and the industry gaming conference, gamescom asia covers the entire diversity of the games culture. The event comprises a two-day industry gaming conference and a three-day trade and public exhibition, which includes eSports events, showcase of emerging technologies in video games, gaming workshops, meet-and-greet sessions, cosplay theatrics and more.
Highlighting Asia's and Southeast Asia's unique gaming preferences, the event allows stakeholders to harness the region's flourishing and lucrative gaming market. The untapped potential is indisputable, with a recent study by Newzoo suggesting that this region is poised to generate $4.6 billion in 2019, up 22 percent year-on. This booming market, evident through a vibrant gaming community and expanding ecosystem, are some of the obvious grounds attracting gamescom asia to Singapore.
Mathias Kuepper, Managing Director of Koelnmesse Singapore, expressed : "This is a launch event that we are all looking forward to. The region has been hungry for a Tier One gaming event and we now have all the ingredients to successfully cater to this need. With strong partnerships with GameStart, the Singapore government, and the gaming ecosystem, we are expecting to attract over 30,000 enthusiasts and gaming industry professionals to the inaugural gamescom asia."
Mr Keith Tan, Chief Executive, Singapore Tourism Board, said : "Having gamescom asia in Singapore is testament to our reputation in establishing thought leadership across various fields, including the gaming industry. Apart from adding vibrancy to our events calendar, we aim for gamescom asia to position Singapore as the natural base for regional gaming content and further our ambition potential to be an eSports hub in the region."
"The inaugural gamescom asia comes at an exciting time as we are witnessing strong growth in the Asian games market. This event will offer games companies access to new business opportunities and connect international publishers, developers and professionals with the thriving games market in the region. Industry players can also exchange knowledge, share expertise and showcase their latest games at this premier platform," said Mr Howie Lau, Chief Industry Development Officer, Infocomm Media Development Authority.
"We are happy to announce the partnership between GameStart and gamescom. GameStart will now be handing over the reigns to gamescom asia, and look forward to working closely with Koelnmesse Singapore to build on the current gaming community that GameStart has established over the years. We are extremely excited for what is to come and will be gearing up in full force as consultants for the event, bringing to the community and industry a bigger and more vibrant convention," said Elicia Lee, Founder of GameStart and gaming marketing firm Eliphant.
"gamescom is a brand with a worldwide reputation that stands for both games as the largest entertainment medium of our time and for outstanding business opportunities. With gamescom asia, we are creating a new event in 2020 for the local games industry and gamers in one of the fastest growing regions of the world. We are happy and excited about the first Asian edition in Singapore next year and thankful for our partners," added Felix Falk, Managing Director of game.
gamescom is an annual event held in Cologne, Germany since 2009 organized by Koelnmesse and game - the German Games Industry Association. Over a period of 10 years, it has grown to be the largest international games festival and Europe's leading business platform for the games industry. gamescom asia will harness and benefit from the global gaming network that gamescom has now established.
gamescom asia will be held from 15 - 18 October 2020. For more information on the event, visit www.gamescom.asia.