Le PlayStation VR est disponible
Plongeant véritablement le joueur au cœur du jeu, ce casque de réalité virtuelle propose une image à 360°, un son 3D et un suivi des mouvements du joueur dans le jeu pour une immersion absolument totale.
Compatible avec les 40 millions de PlayStation 4 déjà installées dans les foyers du monde entier, le PlayStation VR arrive avec une trentaine de jeux dont Rigs, Batman Arkham VR ou encore Driveclub VR.
L'avenir est également assuré puisque plus de 230 développeurs travaillent sur des jeux PlayStation VR.
Parmi les projets les plus attendu : Star Wars Battlefront Rogue One : X-wing VR Mission, Resident Evil 7 ou encore Robinson : The Journey.
Le PlayStation VR permet de retransmettre sur sa TV l'image vue par le joueur portant le casque, mais pas seulement. Pour certains jeux comme The Playroom VR, l'image sur la TV est différente de celle du casque, permettant ainsi de jouer à plusieurs.
En parallèle du jeu, le PS VR permet également de regarder des vidéos et des photos à 360° via le Media Player ou YouTube.
Le PlayStation VR est disponible dès maintenant pour 399,99€ (acheter sur Amazon).
Plus d'information dans le communiqué de presse international ci-dessous.
Playstation makes Virtual Reality mainstream with launch of PlaystationVR
Available at €399 Euros and £349 (Suggested Retail Price)
Along with a Large and Diverse Lineup of Games and VR Experiences
Paris, October 13, 2016 - Sony Interactive Entertainment Europe (SIEE) today launched PlayStationVR (PS VR), a virtual reality system for the PlayStation4 (PS4) system that takes gaming to the next level of immersion and transports players into the virtual worlds of their games. Concurrent with the global launch, PS VR is now available in the SIEE major territories across Europe, the Middle East and Australasia at a suggested retail price of Euro €399 (AUD $549), (GBP £349). There will be a second wave of launches to follow on 24th January 2017. *1
PS VR, which is compatible with the more than 40 million PS4 systems already inside consumers' homes, arrives with a lineup of 30 games, including exclusive titles such as Rez Infinite (Monstars & Enhance Games), Batman : Arkham VR (RockSteady and Warner Bros Interactive Entertainment), Driveclub VR and Rigs Mechanized Combat League (SIE Worldwide Studios). In total, PS VR will have a library of approximately 50 games by the end of the year.*2
"We are incredibly excited to bring virtual reality to PlayStation 4," said Jim Ryan, President of Global Sales and Marketing, SIE and President of SIEE. "PSVR puts the player right in the centre of the action, immersing them in extraordinary new worlds. PS VR is a milestone in home entertainment and it very much needs to be experienced to be believed"
PS VR delivers a sense of presence, where players feel as though they are physically inside the virtual world of a game. PS VR leverages state-of-the-art technologies, such as 360 degree head tracking, wide field of view, high refresh rates, and SIE's own binaural 3D audio technology, to heighten the emotions gamers experience as they play and make them believe they've been transported to another world. By using peripherals such as PlayStationMove Motion Controller, Dualshock 4 Wireless Controller and the upcoming PS VR Aim Controller, players can explore virtual environments and intuitively interact with characters as if they are actually present in the world of a game.
PS VR integrates a "Social Screen" feature that allows users who are not wearing the VR headset to see on the TV what the PS VR player is seeing in the headset, or to play alongside the VR player in supporting games. Games such as Playroom VR (SIE WWS), which will be available as a free download to all PS VR owners, take advantage of this feature and demonstrate how PS VR can create unique multiplayer experiences when shared with friends and family.
PS VR will launch with a large and diverse lineup of first- and third-party games including Eve : Valkyrie (CCP Games), Thumper (Drool), 100ft Robot Golf (No Goblin), Job Simulator (Owlchemy Games), Superhypercube (Polytron), Battlezone (Rebellion), Eagle Flight (Ubisoft), Here They Lie, PlayStationVR Worlds and Until Dawn : Rush of Blood (SIE WWS).
With more than 230 developers and publishers*3 working on PS VR titles, the system's games portfolio will continue to expand after launch with highly anticipated games including Resident Evil 7 biohazard (Capcom Co., Ltd), Robinson : The Journey (Crytek), Star Wars Battlefront Rogue One : X-wing VR Mission (Electronic Arts Inc.)*4, Star Trek : Bridge Crew (Ubisoft) and Farpoint (SIE WWS).
In addition to a best-in-class gaming lineup, there will be a variety of VR experiences and media applications coming to PS VR, including, Allumette (Penrose), Invasion ! (Baobab), Kismet (PsyOp), Within, LittlStar, Vrideo, and The Martian (Fox). *5
For a comprehensive look at the hardware specifications of the PS VR system.