Middleware: Trion Worlds Licenses Shroud for Cloth Physics
CloakWorks' Advanced Cloth Simulation Tech Brings New Level of Realism to Rift
CloakWorks announced today that its advanced cloth simulation technology, Shroud, has been licensed by Trion Worlds for their popular massively multiplayer online game, RIFT. Released on PC in March 2011, RIFT will use Shroud to add real-time dynamic interactive clothing and soft-body physics effects.
"Ever since RIFT's launch, one of the most requested visual features we get from our players is for capes. CloakWorks is the go-to source for this technology," said Scott Hartsman, Executive Producer, "It was even easier to use than we had hoped and we're very happy with the result."
"RIFT features innovative gameplay and stunning art direction that make it stand out among MMO games," said Joe van den Heuvel, founder and President of CloakWorks. "Shroud will help the team take its vision for Rift even further by giving adding new level of realism to its dramatic characters and environments."
Trion Worlds will be using the recently released version 2.0 of Shroud, which adds numerous new features including support for multiple cloth simulation rigs to animate different parts of the same mesh. Shroud 2.0 is more powerful, flexible and easy to use, and adds support for iOS and Mac OS X in addition to existing support for PC, Xbox 360 and Playstation 3.
About CloakWorks
Located just outside Chicago, IL, CloakWorks is the developer of the Shroud Cloth Simulation Engine. Shroud couples powerful custom tools with unprecedented performance on PC, Mac, consoles, and mobile devices, making widespread use of high-quality interactive cloth physics practical on every platform. For more information please visit www.cloak-works.com