Ensemble Studios Founder and Games Industry Legend Tony Goodman Announces Newest Game Company, PeopleFun
Veteran Team is Focusing on High Quality Games for Mobile and Other Emerging Platforms
PeopleFun, a new game company focused on high-quality games for the mobile space and other emerging platforms, was announced today. After founding three previous companies, Ensemble Corporation, Ensemble Studios and Robot Entertainment, and participating in two high-profile exits, Tony Goodman, PeopleFun's CEO is taking the covers off of the company that he has been quietly working on in the Dallas area since late last year. Known for creating, growing and managing world-class development teams, Goodman is announcing the new venture because the team's first title is about to hit beta.
"The explosion of mobile platforms including iOS and Android is amazing, and the market that has opened up for game creators is absolutely massive," said Tony Goodman, CEO of PeopleFun. "We watched the space for a while and then it hit a point where I said, we have to get into this market. From that point, we assembled a team of some of the best people in the industry and just a few short months later, we got the studio into full production of our first title."
Other key members of the team include John Boog-Scott, co-founder of Ensemble Corporation and Ensemble Studios, Angelo Laudon, employee number one at Ensemble Studios and lead programmer on the Age of Empires engine, and Leon Campise, serial entrepreneur in the technology space. With proven skills on multiple platforms including mobile, the PeopleFun team is poised to deliver breakout titles for the core and mass-market audience.
Goodman continued, "We've got our first title almost to the beta stage already which is an accomplishment just keeping the lid on it this long. This is a departure from the games we made at Ensemble and Robot in terms of scope and genre, but I think our games will appeal to the gamer inside of all of us and hope to play with our friends in the community in the coming weeks."
PeopleFun is developing games that deliver multiple levels of entertainment. Much like great movies which appeal to the mass audience, but also feature another level of entertainment for those that seek deeper engagement, PeopleFun is crafting its games with a multi-tier audience in mind.
Players interested in getting into the beta for PeopleFun's games can express their interest by Liking PeopleFun on Facebook at: https://www.facebook.com/pages/PeopleFun/156777417761719