
Luxembourg-Gaming : compte rendu de la conférence de presse

Luxembourg-Gaming se tiendra à Luxexpo (Luxembourg), le 14 novembre 2012

LU-CIX, le point d'échange Internet du Luxembourg a tiré aujourd'hui un premier bilan depuis sa création en 2009 et a présenté ses projets futurs, dont notamment " ", 2e édition de son salon destiné aux professionnels du secteur du jeu en ligne et des industries connexes.

Nico Binsfeld, Vice-Président de LU-CIX asbl, a souhaité une cordiale bienvenue à Peter Warman, CEO et fondateur de Newzoo et orateur invité à la conférence de presse. Passant en revue les récentes performances de LU-CIX, Binsfeld a noté avec satisfaction qu'en moins de 3 ans, LU-CIX a accueilli le nombre étonnant de 47 membres et que la tendance est toujours à la hausse, tant pour ce qu'il en est du nombre de membres que du trafic généré. Il a en particulier salué les dernières " recrues " au sein de LU-CIX : Flashiz, KPN International, Level 3 et Systemat.

Bart van der Sloot, Sales Director de Level 3, le plus grand fournisseur d'accès à Internet au monde, expliqua dans son intervention que pour Level 3, il était essentiel de rejoindre LU-CIX en vue d'atteindre de nouveaux clients à haut potentiel: "La force d'attraction que LU-CIX crée dans le marché en vue de l'établissement de nouveaux business est telle qu'il nous apparut comme partenaire obligé pour augmenter notre potentiel et nos activités au Luxembourg."

Edwin Punt, Product Manager chez KPN International, un leader et pionnier dans la fourniture de solutions data, communications et IP aux carriers, aux multinationales et aux prestataires de services de l'Internet a partagé ses vues sur LU-CIX et expliqua que KPN International avait rejoint LU-CIX au vu de la flexibilité avec laquelle LU-CIX leur permettait de répondre aux besoins de connectivité de leurs clients. En outre, KPN International peut mettre à disposition des membres de LU-CIX la connectivité vers d'autres points d'échange Internet.

Claude Demuth, CEO du GIE de gestion de LU-CIX, passa en revue les principales foires et salons où LU-CIX fut présent en 2012, dont notamment " Gamescom " et la " Games Developers Conference " à Cologne ou encore le " RIPE " à Amsterdam.

Selon Demuth, 2013 deviendra une année-clé pour LU-CIX, en particulier avec l'évolution de LU-CIX vers un centre de l'Internet et du peering en Europe, situé au milieu du " Golden Ring ". L'objectif est de connecter les membres de LU-CIX avec AMS-IX (Amsterdam), LINX (London), DE-CIX (Frankfurt) et France-IX (Paris), les plus grand points d'échange Internet au monde. Ces connections permettront à des membres de LU-CIX de taille plus réduite d'accéder à ces points d'échange via la plateforme LU-CIX et les infrastructures internationales des autres membres de LU-CIX. "En un mot, nous misons sur un win-win pour toutes les parties concernées: les membres de taille plus grande au sein de LU-CIX pourront vendre des services de transport à ces points d'échange Internet, les membres de taille plus réduite y trouveront un moyen efficace et à coût réduit pour accéder à ces points d'échange et, last but not least, LU-CIX augmentera son trafic et le Luxembourg gagnera en réputation et en attractivité comme hub du secteur ICT".

" En établissant, au départ du Luxembourg, ces connections vers les plus grands points d'échange Internet du monde, nous allons par ailleurs contribuer au développement du Luxembourg comme centre de gravité pour les professionnels du jeux en ligne et des industries connexes ", disait Demuth, par allusion au récent lancement de " ". Cette initiative, créée et développée par LU-CIX, vise à " réunir des leaders, décideurs et entrepreneurs du secteur du jeu en ligne international avec des représentants de secteurs et industries connexes, comme notamment les hébergeurs, les prestataires de service de " cloud ", des développeurs de contenus, des prestataires de paiements en ligne, des investisseurs et des juristes. "

L'édition 2012 de " " se tiendra le 14 novembre 2012 au centre de conférences et d'exposition Luxexpo à Luxembourg. Lors de cet événement B2B unique en son genre, des conférences, des table-rondes, des " speed-pitching " encadreront un salon professionnel regroupant à ce jour plus de 50 exposants. Mr François Biltgen, Ministre des Communications et des Médias sera un des orateurs de marque. Les chiffres actuels semblent confirmer le grand intérêt pour " " : outre la cinquantaine d'exposants inscrits, une centaine de visiteurs du secteur s'est déjà inscrite via le site Internet. L'outil de réservation de rendez-vous " speed dating ", développé par Yappoint est en-linge depuis aujourd'hui. Avant de donner la parole à Peter Warman, Demuth remercia tous les supporters et sponsors de " ", sans lesquels ce grand événement serait resté purement " virtuel ".

Peter Warman, CEO & fondateur de Newzoo, le premier site d'information et d'étude sur l'industrie du jeux en ligne conclut la conférence de presse avec un aperçu étonnant sur le secteur du " gaming " en Europe, ainsi que sur les tendances des années à venir.

LU-CIX expressed its gratitude to the event partners [Service des médias et des communications and PwC's Accelerator], as well as to the Diamond Sponsors [Datacenter Luxembourg, eBRC, SecureIT, Telecom Luxembourg], and stressed the support received by Amcham, the Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce, Europe4startups, FedilICT, the Luxembourg ICT Cluster, Luxembourg2Japan and xm:lab.

Les sponsors

Datacenter Luxembourg

Datacenter LuxembourgXavier Buck, Co-Founder of Datacenter said "We are attending this event to share our knowledge and learn from our peers - it will prove fruitful in many ways".

Founded in 2000 and located in Luxembourg at the heart of Europe, Datacenter Luxembourg's services comprise a datacenter infrastructure, international Internet & telco connectivity, managed e-Commerce, housing and hosted services (Mail, Web, SSL, Online Backup,…). VMware cloud services and scalable storage can be added to this list and are real added value services, providing businesses with more flexibility, stability and economies of scale. Datacenter Luxembourg operates out of distinct geographical facilities connected through its own international looped backbone and third party ones resulting in the highest quality bandwidth and IP transit.

Datacenter Luxembourg is part of the DCL Group, a leading Internet and e-Commerce company; the group includes EuroDNS - an international domain name registrar, voipGATE - a voice over IP operator and provider, and LuxCloud - a market leading cloud services distributor. Following a merger with its sister company root, Datacenter Luxembourg now boasts the largest Internet bandwidth in Luxembourg; this, along with its team of highly specialized experts, ensures it is the first choice for the gaming industry. Luxembourg headquarters many gaming companies as it is a key Internet hub with full government support; the IP law ensures it is a lucrative place in the EU to create an entity for holding, developing and operating any intellectual property. Datacenter Luxembourg, at the forefront of the industry for over ten years, is unique in offering all the multi-Tier datacenters,

from Tier I to Tier IV.


ebrcebrc helps you supply your customers with the best gaming

Yves Reding, CEO of ebrc says: "Thanks to our experience with the gaming

industry since 2008, we are able to fully understand their specific needs and

enable them to offer the best gaming possibilities to their customers".

Online gaming industry is one of the fastest growing industries. In a global marketplace, where gamers need performance, availability, reactivity and fast download capabilities, ebrc is committed in providing its clients with the highest quality of services.

High availability is a key requirement for the gaming industry. ebrc is today the sole worldwide player to operate two Tier IV certified Data Centres, therefore meeting the highest security and availability levels.

ebrc service portfolio is built around five strategic offers: " Trusted Data Centres Services ", " Trusted Cloud Europe Services ", " Trusted Managed Services", "Trusted Resilience Services" and "Trusted Advisory Services".

ebrc owns several certifications, proof of the services quality, and meets the requirements of national and international clients demanding clear warranties in terms of risk management, service level and quality.

Managing the whole supply chain enables ebrc to offer a unique One-Stop-Shop to its clients. From Data Centre hosting to integrated Cloud Computing and ICT Managed Services, ebrc ensures the end-to-end warranty of its Clients' business.

Power your online Gaming Platform with ebrc

If you want to learn more, visit our website:


SecureIT"We are excited to see that Luxembourg gets more and more recognized as the ideal location in Europe to establish gaming companies. Our support for this event is the acknowledgement that LU-CIX is a major element of this success.", Gary Kneip, CEO of SecureIT added.

As diamond sponsor of the event, SecureIT, a Luxembourg-based Multi-Tier Datacenter that offers business-critical collocation infrastructure, network and cloud computing services, is pleased to introduce its special offer dedicated to gaming companies' needs. SecureIT has always been working with the most dynamic companies which provide Electronically Supplied Services (ESS) worldwide (such as HP, IBM, SKYPE and ROVI). Today SecureIT presents its Private Tier 4 Could Platform with the highest levels of reliability.

Moreover, to foster e-gaming companies to develop their activities in Europe from Luxembourg with no risk and no cost, SecureIT launched the non-profit organisation Europe4StartUps with a number of other key-players. As the first major European initiative of its kind, it aims at offering 12 months' worth of unconditional, premium cloud, networking and business services for FREE.

Telecom Luxembourg Private Operator

Telecom Luxembourg Private OperatorWhy Telecom Luxembourg Private Operator at Luxembourg Gaming forum ? Who else ?

"As the leading alternative B-to-B operator in Luxembourg, we are now an important part of the national strategy for transforming the Grand Duchy into a centre of excellence for the digital economy at the heart of Europe", pronounced Jérôme Grandidier, CEO of Telecom Luxembourg Private Operator in January 2011.

Each customer requirements are essential and the "Gaming World" came with very specific needs in terms of power, capacity and security flexibility. We, at Telecom Luxembourg Private Operator, continually adapt our Business Model to follow. As best value for money of clients' needs we provide Multi-Tier data center.

Created in 1998, Telecom Luxembourg Private Operator promotes Luxembourg as a European hub on many international exhibitions. Today, in collaboration with (organizer) LU-CIX asbl, we have the opportunity to demonstrate that Luxembourg is the European hub for the "Gaming" superhighway.

Thanks to government initiatives which have paved the way for the creation of a datacentre and connectivity infrastructure which puts Luxembourg at the forefront of Europe, Telecom Luxembourg Private Operator has managed to attract new customers in the online gaming, telecommunications and media sectors, thus enhancing Luxembourg's appeal and competitiveness as a centre.

More information about Telecom Luxembourg Private Operator:

The event partner

PwC's Accelerator

PwC's AcceleratorFlorence Roux, Director of PwC's Accelerator, explained that is "a new evidence of the dynamism of ICT community of Luxembourg". She confirmed that PwC "looks forward to discovering the innovative companies which will showcase at the event and to the creative-driven atmosphere fostering efficient networking and exchange of thoughts."

PwC Luxembourg is the largest professional services firm in Luxembourg with over 2,100 people employed from 57 different countries. It provides audit, tax and advisory services including management consulting, transaction, financing and regulatory advice to a wide variety of clients from local and middle market entrepreneurs to large multinational companies operating from Luxembourg and the Greater Region. It helps its clients create value by giving comfort to the capital markets and providing advice through an industry focused approach.

PwC's Accelerator is a unique platform designed to accelerate high-growth companies to a global level. Our aim is to help these companies achieve an international reach and therefore become a leader in their market by combining adequate fundraising, top management team building and logistics assistance for growing exponentially via PwC's extensive business network and professional expertise.

About the new members

KPN international

KPN internationalKPN International is a fully integrated business unit of KPN - the number one Dutch ICT provider and one of Europe's leading telecommunications services providers. The KPN International portfolio offers high-class data, communication and IP solutions such as E-Line, MPLS VPN, IP Transit, SDH and Wavelengths. LU-CIX members benefit from connectivity to other internet exchanges via the MEF certified Carrier Ethernet Solutions of KPN International, using the MPLS and DWDM network. Thanks to its intelligent network, excellent high bandwidth capabilities and future-proof products, KPN International provides services to carriers, service providers and corporate customers in over 180 countries. KPN International applies the Dutch Touch Worldwide: reliable, flexible and solution-driven for easy-to-do business.

Level 3 Communications

Level 3 CommunicationsLevel 3 Communications is a premier global provider of state-of-the-art data, voice, video and managed solutions, serving enterprise, content, government and wholesale customers. With its highly reliable and secure network, it enables stronger connections around the globe by delivering integrated IP solutions that address customers' needs for scalability, flexibility and efficiency. Leveraging its expansive metro footprint and global reach, its team of dedicated people exemplifies our commitment to partnership. Level 3 focuses on understanding customers' business challenges, building relevant worldwide network solutions, and delivering a seamless, industry-leading customer experience. Level 3 provides services in various data centres in Luxembourg since 2008.

Publié le 25 septembre 2012 par Emmanuel Forsans
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