Essential Facts about the Computer and Video Game Industry
2012 : sales, demographic and usage data
" Computer and video games have reached a critical mass. today, nearly every device with a screen plays games, providing interactive entertainment experiences for a wide and diverse population. The creativity of our developers and publishers produces an ever-expanding variety of games to choose from in different formats and across all platforms. Their innovations drive consumer demand for our products, solidifying our industry's position as one of the strongest and most cutting-edge sectors in the U.S. economy."
Michael D. Gallagher, president and CEO, Entertainment Software Association
What's inside
Who is playing
2 Who plays computer and video games?
3 Who buys computer and video games?
At play
4 What type of online and mobile games are played most often?
4 How many gamers play on a phone or handheld device?
5 How many gamers play games with others?
5 How long have gamers been playing?
6 Parents and games
6 Do parents control what their kids play?
7 Top reasons parents play with their kids
8 What were the top-selling game genres in 2011?
8 2011 computer and video game sales by rating
9 What were the top-selling games of 2011?
The bottom line
10 Sales information
11 Total consumer spend on games industry 2011
Who we are
12 About esa
12 ESA members
Other resources
13 ESA partners

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