Plus de 4.2 millions de Playstation 4 vendues dans le monde
9,7 millions de jeux vendus, 90% d'abonnés supplémentaires au service PS+
Ci-dessous le communiqué de presse officiel international (donc en anglais) annonçant les chiffres de ventes de la PlayStation 4 à fin 2013.
Pour résumer :
- Plus de 4,2 millions de PS4 vendues aux joueurs au 28 décembre 2013
- 9,7 millions de jeux vendus, donc une moyenne mathématique de 2.31 jeux par consoles
- 90% d'abonnés supplémentaires au service PS+
- 1,7 million de parties diffusées en direct via la fonction "share" de la PS4
- Pour un total de 55 millions de minutes diffusées
- Générant 22 millions de spectateurs
Software Sales Reach 9.7 Million; PS Plus Subscriptions Increase by More Than 90%
PARIS, JAN. 7, 2014 - Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. today announced that cumulative sales of the PlayStation4 (PS4) computer entertainment system have reached 4.2 million*1 as of December 28, 2013, demonstrating the explosive growth of the PS4 platform.
"The momentum of the PS4 system keeps getting stronger and we couldn't be more thrilled gamers worldwide are enjoying the incredibly immersive gaming experiences along with deep social capabilities and entertainment provided by our network ," said Andrew House, President and Group CEO of Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. "After a remarkable launch, we look forward to bringing even more exciting content and continuing to explore the power of the PS4 system by adding new features and services, including PlayStation Now, in 2014."
PS4 software sales remained strong through the holiday season with more than 9.7million *2 copies sold in retail stores worldwide and through digital downloads on PlayStationStore. A few of the top selling games included Call of Duty: Ghosts from Activision, Assassin's CreedIV Black Flag from Ubisoft, Battlefield 4 and FIFA 14 from Electronic Arts Inc., and Killzone Shadow Fall from Sony Computer Entertainment Worldwide Studios (SCE WWS).
Many PS4 owners have quickly taken advantage of the features and benefits of the PlayStationPlus (PS Plus) membership service. Global PS Plus subscriptions have increased by more than 90% since the PS4 launch*3. PS Plus members have access to the Instant Game Collection and can play the full versions of popular titles without a time limit and at no extra cost. Current games include Resogun from Sony Computer Entertainment Worldwide Studio (SCE WWS) and Contrast from Compulsion Games*4*5, followed by additional exciting titles in 2014.
PS4 gamers are actively sharing their gameplay experience through the PS4 system's unique sharing capabilities. To date, more than 1.7 million gameplay broadcasts have been streamed from PS4 systems*6 via video streaming platforms, Twitch and Ustream, totaling more than 55 million minutes. According to Twitch, 20% of their broadcasters are PS4 owners *7. Ustream is also reporting an average of 40 minutes of streaming per broadcaster*8. All these gameplay broadcast generate nearly 22 million*9 spectate sessions.
The PS4 system is now available in 53 countries and territories globally.